Dear Mom and Dad,
is gonna be a LONG email because I typed on my iPad just every night so
I can get the most info to you guys for my first week :) but first I
will tell you some basics. First off I need a bike, BUT good news, there
is a walmart down the street and I can just buy one there. Is that
okay? Should I just use the American Express? Second THANK YOU SO MUCH
FOR MY WELCOME PACKAGE :) it was just what I needed :) I have the best
mom and dad ever! I love you both so much! Okay get ready to read :) -
my address is 1513 Hatcher Ln #F66 Columbia TN 38401 so check out on
Google maps my ghetto home... Haha and just send letters and packages
there too :)
10/7/14 Today was a good day! My first day as what I felt like, a real
missionary! How cool is that? Yesterday was a long day! Well listen to
what happened on our way to Tennessee.... Okay the flight was like....
45 mins, way short! But it was so bumpy... I hated every second of
that.... Then as we were starting our descend you won't believe what
happened. Our plane got struck by lightening!! Like all of a sudden
there was this bright flash and pop and our plane made these weird
movements and everyone on the flight was thinking the same thing....
Like holy crap our plane just got struck by lightening... Can you
imagine how I reacted? So me and Hermana Levao said a prayer and then we
landed like 10 minutes after that, safe and sound :) then we met
president Anderson and sister Anderson too :) they are so nice!
President Anderson reminds me of like a mix of Scott Hutchison and
President Bryan... Haha he is awesome! We met with them then they told
us to go proselyting in the airport while we were waiting for the Provo
missionaries to come in. THAT WAS TERRIFYING. But after some prayers we
were able to get the courage and pass out some Restoration pamphlets!
After once the new missionaries came we left for the mission home. Wow.
Tennessee is BEAUTIFUL. it has everything. Green. I felt completely at
home. The mission presidents house is huge! And really nice. We had
dinner then orientation stuff then we got our iPads which also is really
nice. After we had a small devotional. I had a hard time staying awake.
I was so tired. We finally got to bed at like 11:30! The beds at the mission home are SO COMFY. like the comfiest bed ever. I slept like a baby. Tuesday morning we
had breakfast then packed up the cars and went to transfer meeting.
That was cool. It was fun, all the missionaries who left this week spoke
and then they announced us and our trainers! My trainer is Hermana
Torres and she is from Texas. Her family is from Monterrey Mexico! She is
fluent in Spanish and English, which is actually a blessing! She has
only been out for 4 months! I love her, she is awesome! After we packed
up our stuff in a members car and off we went to Columbia! It's about 45
mins south of Nashville! It's really awesome! I love it here!! It's
what some people call the city sticks but definitely still a city! It's
beautiful too with all trees and changing leaves. But it's crazy. So we
are called to the Columbia Spanish area... But since we are the only
Spanish we actually cover 2 other areas, spring hill and franklin! Which
is like so far! Hermana Torres and I are "white washing" the area.
Which means we both are new to the area. We are replacing elders and
they haven't had Hermanas in like years they said! We got to our
apartment and let's just say.... Sketchy haha and elders are pretty
gross.... And it smells like Vegas haha the guy below us is like this
crazy chain smoker... So we got all our stuff in and then we had a
dinner appointment at some members house. The Abacs! They are really
nice and from Guatemala! Dinner wasn't bad... Haha I didn't say much
because well my Spanish isn't that good... Haha but I tried my best and
just listened to as much as I could. The food wasn't bad but the drink
was! So it made it even harder to swallow the food or to wash it down.
The rest of the night we went tracting to a trailer park behind the
Abacs house. It was kinda sketchy but we met some nice people and handed
out some restoration pamphlets. After we went and met some of the
investigators that the elders were teaching when they left! We went over
the Aidee and Edger Ponce's house and man are they awesome! It's hard
though because they have been investigating the church for 3 years!! Our
goal is to get them baptized this transfer :) they are so nice. They
have 3 boys too. Also we didn't know how to get back to our apartment
and we didn't even know where we lived so Edgar had us follow him, it
was so nice! We love them! Also there was a HUGE lightening and
thunderstorm tonight which woke me up but I was so tired and out of it, I slept through it!
10/8/14 Today we had our first district meeting! Our district has 6
people total and 3 are new... It was kind of an awkward hour and a
half... But it was good! After the other sisters and Hermana Torres and I
went to chick-fil-a! Yum. My favorite :) and mom's too! Haha later that
night we went to dinner at a less active members house! It was really
fun, we had a ton of food tho. By the end Hermana Torres and I both felt like
we might throw up we were so full! After we went to a members home and
met them! Sister Noble! She is like the best member missionary ever! She
knows all out investigators and is always trying to help us help them.
10/9/14 Today was kind of a long day! But it was great. We met with one
of the investigators that the elders left for us, Felipe. We taught him
at sister nobles and the lesson went great. He is so ready for baptism!
Hopefully we can set a date next week and work towards that date for
the next 2 or so weeks :) he has so much faith! He said "I just want to
find happiness and peace in my life" he totally has that desire and want
to change!! That lesson went great. After sister noble made lunch for
us, she is so awesome! We had BLT's and they were so dang good :) the
rest of the day went well, but Hermana Torres and I thought we would
attempt riding bikes since next week the elders have the car. FAIL. Haha
we gave up once we got out of our parking lot. Hopefully this next week
will be netter :) the night was good. We didn't have tons of luck but
we talked to quite a few people. We were knocking trailers again and we
met a cute 15 year old named Angela. She seemed pretty interested and so
we got her number and are hoping to go and visit her next week :)
10/10/14 Friday was like the best day ever!!! But really long too. We
had studies all morning, conference call, and the our good old 3 hours
of weekly planning! It rained ALL morning. Just pouring pouring pouring.
I loved it. Anyway We went through our area book and made a huge map on
our wall of all the people in it, so then we have people to go and
visit. We set goals for ourselves and that was cool too, just too see
what we can do to be better missionaries. We decided to say specific
prayers to help us. We had texted Felipe to see how he was and if he was
reading the chapter in the BOM that we assigned him. We said a specific
prayer asking if we could hear back from him and right when finished
our prayer, BAM text from Felipe saying he is doing good and we can see
him on Saturday yahoo!, such a cool experience. We then prayed that we
could find someone who would be willing to hear our message and invite
us for a lesson next week and guess what happened? We went to a house in
the area book and a lady answered and she invited us In and her 3 kids
were there and we were just talking and she had so many questions, it
was awesome!! She invited us over for next week :) it's so amazing how
when we pray Heavenly Father truly hears our prayers and when we go
forth with faith our prayers are answered! It's like what president
Hinckley said, "First get on your knees and pray, then get on your feet
and work" it's SO true. Faith without works is dead. The rest of the
night went great just finding and sharing the gospel. Then we decided to
say another specific prayer and ask Heavenly Father to help us find
someone at Walmart who would be receptive to our message. We found her!!
Her name is Gilla and she has two little kids. We shared a quick
message and asked if we could visit her again, she said yes and gave us
her number. She also said she would read the pamphlet and call us if she
had some questions. Wow so humbling! It just makes you want to work
harder and harder to find those who are ready for the gospel!
10/11/14 Saturday was a tough day.... It rained ALL day. And was
cloudy, not even a ray of sun, allllll day long. But it kinda made for a
pretty nice gloomy day with all the trees changing colors and stuff! I
will send you pictures :) but we went to this trailer park across town
and we knocked and knocked and knocked. No one would answer. We talked
to a few people but nothing big.... Then we were leaving and we decided
to try one more. We knocked and that's when we met Tina. She isn't
Latino or Hispanic just white, so we got to speak English (my favorite
:)) haha anyway she has been struggling so badly lately. She is such an
amazing person and willing to give anything to help someone in need,
even when she doesn't even have very much. Hermana Torres and I were so
humbled after meeting her. We are going to help her move and find a new
place that's big enough for her and her kids. As well as help her get in
with the church and the churches counseling. She said she can feel
herself starting to get depressed again and she doesn't want to go back
to drinking. She is SO ready for the gospel. Well after that just a day
of no answering. Our 6 o'clock canceled on us :( boo but we just ended
up tracting. Then we met with Felipe again! He is SO awesome! And just
has the best spirit ever. He came with his brother and we actually ended
up teaching him more than Felipe but it was awesome because Felipe was
able to help us teach him too! I was really frustrated during that
lesson tho. Just because I wanted to understand everything everyone was
saying, not just bits and pieces. And because I want to be able to help
them. I feel like I just am a cat sitting and watching. I want a
relationship with these people and this language barrier is kinda a
problem.... I'm just frustrated. I need to realize its my first week out
here and I have been only learning Spanish for like 7 weeks... I guess I
am lucky to even be able to communicate... Besides that and the no sun,
today ended up being a good day out in the field :)
10/12/14 Sunday! My first Sunday in the field. And guess who thought
she was just introducing herself to the ward but ended up having to give
a ten minute talk? Haha yours truly.... But it actually went pretty
well if you ask me! I just talked about how important members are in
missionary work! So we don't have a ton of spanish members so we just
have headsets and a translator, usually sister noble, who translates the
meetings. My goal is to be able to translate after my 12 weeks of
training. Felipe came to church today!! And stayed for all 3 hours!!
Also, our less active Anegels came to sacrament meeting, so that was
good too :) she had to leave early for work but we were glad she came.
And after church she wanted to meet with us, it was awesome. She texted
us and said she realized that her way of living life was different than
how God wanted her to.... We were kind of nervous at first, but it was
good! She said she wants to change her life and break up with the
boyfriend she is living with and date/marry someone she can go to the
temple with and so she can be sealed with her daughter and how she wants
to get her patriarchal blessing and everything. She said she is going
to find a new job too! Wow it was so amazing to see how much she is
willing to change here life!
in all I am doing good. Hermana Torres is awesome and I just love her!
Tennessee is beautiful but the weather is crazy! I will send you some
videos :) I love you so much! How is E? I didn't hear from her
yesterday... Hope she is okay!
I love you guys and am so grateful to be here on my mission :)
Hermana Brown
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Streets here in Columbia
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New Bike |
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A picture of my boots for grandma and grandpa
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Yesterday fog at the church building
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Me riding my bike |