Monday, September 1, 2014

I MADE IT! (8/27/2014)

Hi mom and dad!! I made it safe and sound to the CCM! The plane rides were great and I was actually pretty brave. Yes i am so exhausted but today we get to have our own special free day. the only one we get until we leave in 6 weeks. here is all my info that i am suppose to send you,

This is from my mission President:
Your Missionary's mailing address is:
Sister Elizabeth Brown
06/10/2014  16-C
Carretera Tenayuca-Chalmita #828
Colonia Zona Escolar, Gustavo A. Madero
07230 Mexico, Distrito Federal

The estimated departure date for your missionary is October 6. The use of the
above address on all correspondence will greatly faciliate delivery to your missionary
at the MTC. Please don't send packages.

i only have five minutes today but my pday is on Wednesday. I love you both so much and i am already missing you a ton, but so far i really do love it!! I love you!!!

Sister Lizzy Brown

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