Hello family!! Well first off I am glad that E's surgery went well. That makes me happy :) you guys know how I sometimes stress about stuff... Haha but I am glad it's all good! Well this week was better than last week! Things are starting to get better. Can you believe that transfer calls are on Saturday?! So crazy that this is the last week of the transfer. I am a little nervous what is going to happen. I feel like I might stay here but I just don't know.... I feel like I will stay because Hermana Rudolph doesn't really know anything about the area and it makes me stressed if I had to leave it in her hands.... So we will see what will happen! Stresssssssful! The weather has been good lately! Saturday night it rained. SO HARD. like the hardest I have ever seen. It was absolutely crazy but so cool at the same time. I was running out to the car and I felt like in the movie "Where the Heart Is" you know with Americas? and they have that tornado and it's just crazy? That's how I felt minus the tornado and such. Besides that the weather has been good. Someday cloudy, others sunny. The heat hasn't been anything too crazy so that's good too! So we have a new investigator Jesus Quijas. He is so cool!! We met him last week and we had our first lesson with him last week. We taught about the Book of Mormon and he seemed to really love it! He really likes it because it's something he has never heard before. He said he was going to come to church on Sunday and he never showed... I was so sad.... He texts us and all of his messages come up blank and we can't download them because of our ghetto dinosaur phone and so we call him and he never answers... But I'm not too worried about it, but it is kind of stressful because I feel like he is someone who would really help out the Spanish members here! I have gained like the strongest testimony of members helping the missionaries. Seriously. All of our progressing investigators right now are referrals that were given to us by members or they are the members friends! It truly helps so much. About 2 months ago We had challenged one of the families in the ward to share the gospel with their neighbors and friends. The wife said she has been wanting to take a Book of Mormon to her neighbor but was kind of scared. We then practiced how she could give her the Book of Mormon. Well 2 months later the neighbor has read almost half the Book of Mormon, stopped drinking coffee, trying to stop smoking and now SHE wants to meet with the missionaries. That is the coolest part. When members start doing missionary work, nonmembers really want to learn more! We have really been trying hard to find new people and contact all the members who were in the Spanish branch. It has been a lot of hard work but we have been seeing success paso a paso :) One scripture that I felt like I can relate to a lot this transfer is Mosiah 23:21 it says "Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith." I think sometimes we hate our trials so much and they are so hard but when we come to understand the difficult times we have or the trials we are faced with can be more appreciative of them and know that the lord is trying to help us become who he knows we can be. I love the being a missionary. Even though it so hard and i just want to cry sometimes, I have never been happier. I love the Book of Mormon. It's so amazing and I always receive the answers to my questions when reading. Our stake here has been doing a Book of Mormon challenge and we are reading the Book of Mormon together as a stake in 2 months. It's so awesome and it's amazing to see how many times Christ is mentioned in the Book of Mormon. It's the best. Well I better close. But this week was better! I will definitely keep Elsie and the Cramer family in my prayers. Thanks for being so awesome. I love you family and I am grateful for all your support you give me. Have a grrrrreeeeeat grrrrrrant week :) WE GET TO SKYPE IN TWO WEEKS!!!!🏻
️ Xoxo Hermana Brown :)
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
What is this? A school for ants?!
Friday, April 24, 2015
Talk about a hole in one (happy Gilmore subway commercial)
Hello!! Wow so this week was crazy. It was like the most awesomely horrible week ever. Haha like how does that happen? I will tell you :) Well it rained. And rained and rained some more allllll week long. We went on exchanges with the stl's on Monday night. I stayed here in my area. It was fun! I was pretty excited. I thought I would be nervous but not at all. Monday night was fun but all our appointments canceled and we were without car... And then it started pouring. Like POURING rain. Like it was good because sister mellor and I had umbrellas but like they didn't even help. Our clothes were drenched same with everything. Haha it was a good experience :) Tuesday was a great day! We had a lesson with this sweet lady named Maria. Hermana Samaniego came with us. She is so sweet!!! I always call her my abuelita de Panamá.️ seriously she is so sweet. She bore the sweetest testimony of her conversion and how to came to find the church was true. Her testimony of the atonement really touched my heart. Maria is awesome and she really wants to learn more. She doesn't have much of a religious background besides being catholic and going to church on Easter and Christmas and she really wants to learn more. I am so excited to watch her journey in the gospel. I know she will be so blessed. One thing that I love most about being a Spanish missionary is that chance is which I get to work with these amazing Hispanic and Latin people. Their testimonies are so pure and sweet and will touch anyone's heart. I am grateful for the gift of tongues. Okay it is SO real. As we were on exchanges and I was a little nervous to have to try and teach lessons by myself, but it was okay! I was just like talking and words were flowing out of my mouth. What?! And I could understand everything soooo clearly. It was so crazy. I am so thankful! :) speaking of tongues.... I also had my very first taco de lengua.. In other words. I had a cow tongue taco... It was actually really good!! I sometimes would get a little freaked out because I could see like the tastebuds and stuff and so that was weird but besides that I mean it was rather tasty
It rained a ton this week and we walked a ton. My hair is like getting curlier by the minute I swear. The Cunningham river, which flows through the western part of Tennessee and down to like Nashville and stuff has started to flood a tiny bit! It was cool we went and took some pictures. Everything here is so GREEN!!! It's beautiful. I will send some pics :) I had been feeling kind of down this week a little and so I was just praying that I could just know that I was doing okay and actually making a difference. Well on Wednesday we had heard one Of our older Spanish sisters had been in the hospital, so we took like a 40 minute bus ride down to the hospital and she wasn't there.... Don't worry nothing bad happen she just got released and she was at home. So that's good! But I was kind of bugged because we went all the way there and had no luck. But we met this way awesome guy his name was Grandpa Wayne. He was like the black version of grandpa Wayne!! Haha but he was so nice and just told us how thankful he is for young people like us doing something good and that we are making a difference! It was just what I needed to hear. And then like 3 other people said that to us too during that day. It was a little tender mercy from the lord. I can't believe that it snowed like six inches last week!!!! That is absolutely nuts. Also kind of scary about the wind and the mud storm! That sounds terrible. I am glad dads yard is looking good. I need some pics because I am bragging to everyone out here about how amazing my yard always looks :) haha can you believe we only have 2 weeks left of the transfer. Crazy!! Looks like josh and Brit are having fun in DC as well :) thanks for all you do for me. I love you all :) have a good week!!!! Xoxo Lizzy :)
Us with grandpa Wayne |
So floody but so pretty |
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
This week I felt like that porky's guy at the airport
Wow it sounds like Arizona was a fun trip! But I am also confused because mom said it will be weird not going back there as much.. Are Brandon and Haley moving and no one told me?? Messed up guys.... Messed up.... Haha but it does look fun! That pool looks awesome with the lazy river and water slides! And all those fun places at dinner. That big bowl of posole sounds DELICIOUS. My love for Posole has just grown so much more since being on my mission. Did you guys do sessions at both the Mesa and Phoenix temple? Thanks for all the pictures :) it sounded like a great time! This week was really good but oh my goodness I don't know how I am going to survive a summer hear because I am already DYING. the humidity and heat. Oh man. I'm just so sweaty and it's only April... And this humidity has got my hair just crazy and gross.. This is the struggle. I don't know how I am suppose to deal with the summer here. Haha pray for me that I won't be so disgusting that no one will talk to us. But this week it actually wasn't too crazy of weather. Just super humid and super hot! This week it's suppose to get super stormy so let's see how that goesI feel like we did so much this week but I can't remember it.. Like it went by super fast. But the good news is that we found a ton of new people to teach! So that's a plus. And we have contacted quite a few less active members too. We also got bus passes and so this last week my first time like bussing on an actual city bus. It was pretty fun! But also a little different. Hahaha it's pretty nice because we live relatively close to a couple bus stops so that is just a blessing! Also I got to go to the temple again this week! We went and did baptisms with Brooke!!! I had a great time and it was really just what I needed. I just cried and cried. I was just so happy I got to be in the temple. I love the temple so much. Brooke I think liked the temple but just like anything you do for the first time is different and unfamiliar. I was happy I got to go with her. She also came to a lesson with us this week and she is a rockstar! Like she was just telling our investigator that the only way to know the truth is to read the Book of Mormon. It made me so happy! She is awesome and has such a strong testimony of the Book of Mormon. It also was really awesome to hear her teach and teach our investigators some of the same things that we had taught Brooke. She is so amazing!! I am sorry that is email is kind of short and lame, but really things are going good! I am starting to love this area more and more, but I think I need to still love it more and more. I have had a weird time adjusting because I loved Columbia so dang much. I hope you all have a happy fun week :) thanks for all your love and support! you guys are the best :) annnnnnnd we get to Skype in 28 days!!!! Not that I am counting
get ready for a tear fest :) hahaha I love yall! Xoxo lizzy :)
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Wild onions grow in people's yard here..
Yay happy Easter!!!I got your package and it was perfect and just what I needed! I felt like I got the "grown up" Easter basket because it just came in all the packages and stuff. It was perfect. Thank you so much. Also mommy I am glad to hear you had a good birthday! That makes me happy. I hope you get my card soon if you haven't already :) Well I do have to say I am actually quite heartbroken that I will be missing one shining moment tonight :( think of me when you see all the basketball players pounding their chests and everything, you know that's my favorite! Haha Well wow this week was awesome!!! Seriously. But also very wet. It stormed the majority of this week. Like crazy stormed. I thought we were under attack one morning. Seriously it was that crazy! Haha yall know how much I love thunder and lightening storms... I was told that in the summer it's like sooo crazy and the lightening is like a strobe light... We'll see how that goes.. But one of the best parts about getting so much rain is that everything is SO green here. It so beautiful I just love it! I did one different thing this week. On Wednesday Hermana Rudolph and I were walking back to our apartment and we met these two older ladies. They were so cute and funny. We shared with them the He Lives video and they both really liked it. One of them, Sweet Mary, the cutest German lady ever, invited us to a good Friday service at her church on Friday. We agreed, so on Friday we went to a Lutheran church for a good Friday service. It was really interesting. It's amazing how other churches can have so much truth in their teachings but then at the same time not have any truth at all... It was a candle light service and so it was like dark during the service and continued getting darker the whole service. needless to say I was like freaked out most of the time. Especially with all the creepy organ songs that they kept playing. It was good to experience though! It makes me sad to think about how so much of the Christian world focuses on Christ suffering on the cross. I am so truly grateful that Christ suffered for my sins, pains, and sorrows in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross but I think sometimes we overlook the greatest miracle of all. Christ is risen! Today he lives!! He broke the bands of death that we all may live again. He suffered our sins that we all may repent when we fall short and sin. I am so grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ and like Elder Holland mentioned in his talk, that his arms are reached out to help us and hold us up. I am grateful I have had this chance to be a missionary during this beatify Easter holiday. Not only was it Easter week it was a week full of miracles here in Clarksville as well. Yahoo :) this week I have gained a strong testimony of goal setting and setting goals with the spirit. Hermana Rudolph and I met every single goal we set for the week this week!! It was awesome. On Saturday we were looking and we still needed to get two more member present lessons to complete our goal for this week... We prayed and really thought hard about who we could go and see (we have been really struggling having people to teach) and as we were planning a member texted us and asked if we could meet with her and her neighbor (who isn't a member) sometime this next week. We hopefully asked her if we could do it tomorrow (Sunday) and she said yes! We were so happy but still needed to set up one more lesson with another member to reach our goal. We prayed a ton. I just really felt like it was all going to work out. So we finished our planning and prayed that something would work out. Well yesterday after the first session of conference we had planned to go tracting on a street with the hopes that our member who lives on that street would come with us, but we got stranded at the church and had no way to make it to the street and back before the second session started. So we just decided do some finding at some apartments near the church. And guess what? No one talked to us. We got turned down the whole time. Such a let down. We made our way back to the church and went in and watched the second session of the conference. Well with about 2 speakers left of the conference, a ysa came and told us that there is a lady who wants a Book of Mormon is Spanish. And she was sitting out in the hall way. So we go out there and we start talking to her. Her friend was still watching the conference and they are both nonmembers! And they just wanted to come see the church sometime. We ended up teaching her with the ysa too! It was seriously a miracle!! So long story short we reached our goal of member present and now two new SPANISH investigators. Miracles on the Day of the greatest Miracle ever. It was so awesome. :) Talking about General Conference. It was awesome! It was weird to think that in October I watched it in the CCM. And now I am just here in clarksville Tennessee haha but it was great. On Saturday morning we got invited to a members house for breakfast and to watch the first session. The Castillo family. They are great. They made us this huge Easter basket. It was so nice of them :) they have some young kids and it was really different to watch conference not in like sweatpants and with 4 kids under the age of 10 running around. Haha but it was great! For the rest of the conferences we just watched them at the church. It was really nice :) I watched some in Spanish and some in English. It was a good time. I can't really think of my absolute favorite talk because they were all so great. I know that all those who speak in general conference are truly so inspired. And like dad had mentioned, I know that any questions we have they will be answered in general conference. I am so grateful! I really loved all the Saturday session. It was so much about the family. It makes me so happy to have a great family! I was although getting a little stressed out thinking, how can I make sure I am a good mother and teach my children the gospel of Jesus Christ? I was a little overwhelmed and jotted down a few impressions that came to me and then remembered I was a missionary and then I got a little less stressed out
I loved Sister Wixom's talk about focusing on what you know. I felt like that is applicable to everyone members and nonmembers. It made me excited to share it with my investigators and recent converts. I also really enjoyed Elder Brent H. Nielson's talk about how to respond to those who have lost their way. As a missionary it's so hard watching people who once were progressing, stop progressing. But I realized that as I listened to this talk that love can change even the stoniest of hearts. As we love, watch, and wait. Wow I could go on forever about all the talks I loved but that would make this email just way to long. But I, like a lot of other people, loved the talk by Elder W Pearson. His was great. Overall general conference was amazing. Well after quite a long email I will close just saying how much I love my family and friends. How grateful I am to have the love and support from yall. I love being a missionary so much! I am grateful that I have all my siblings to look up to while being out here on my mission. I hope yall have a great week! Especially mom, dad, and e as you go to Arizona. Enjoy a nice coke by the pool for me please :) I love yall! Xoxo Lizzy :)
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Still mad about josh and Brandon hiding the Easter eggs in the backyard...
Hello family!! Sounds like yall had a great week full of craziness! I am glad you saw Elise!! She is so cute :) she was a great missionary. I recorded her departing testimony at transfers and will send it so yall can see. She is awesome!! I have also heard from a couple other people that E's homecoming was awesome! I am proud of her. She is a boss. Also josh is the elders quorum president!!! That is awesome! He is going to do great. Sad to hear that the Utes lost too :( what teams are in the elite 8??? You guys gotta keep me updated please! Who are the under dogs? I would like all the deets :) Well as for this week, let's start with transfers! My new companion is Hermana Rudolph. She is so cute. She is from Cody, Wyoming and has been out for almost a year. She is really nice but quiet. We get a long really well! I am excited for this transfer. I have been a little stressed about taking over this area but so far it has been good. Mostly it's just hard because i feel like everything is on me because she just doesn't know anyone or this area. So basically I have to do all the nightly and weekly planning.. But it's been getting better once she started meeting more and more people. So that's good. But please pray for me! Haha it's just a little overwhelming. Especially having to plan and get everything 100% ready for Brooke's baptism. Talk about some stress acne and the need for a coke... (Which I didn't drink, I have been staying strong!) That leads me to my next topic! BROOKE'S BAPTISM!! Wahhhhhh. Crazy. It was awesome. She got baptized!!! Her in laws drove in on Friday night and her father in law baptized her :) she was so happy and so excited. We had a couple break downs on Thursday night with Brooke... Man satan has some weird opposition tactics... But we worked through them :) yahoo! And she was baptized. Hermana LaPine was able to come and her new comp is actually Herman Levao so they both were there :) it was nice. Brooke asked us to bear our testimonies and overall it was a great day! She kept saying "I'm a Mormon now!!" It was so cute. She is awesome :) Sunday she got confirmed and it was also amazing. And then she bore her testimony and it was the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I just cried and cried. I am so happy for her and her willingness to take this step into the gospel :) On Saturday night we went to Hopkinsville for the general women's broadcast and man that was AMAZING. I loved every minute of it. I loved the topic on eternal families. That was just amazing!! I loved it. I also thought it was amazing just for Brooke too! She just cried the whole time. It was so cute. The spirit was so strong! I loved the talk by Sister Oscarson. I loved her challenge to us to be defenders of the family. I was thinking about how blessed I have been to be raised in a home where my parents know, love and cherish the family a proclamation to the world. And it's amazing to me to watch those who were raised by this proclamation raise their own kids. I know it is truly so inspired and from our Heavenly Father to help us grow happily as families. Also I loved the musical number "when there's love at home and let us all speak kind words to each other" it made me think of my cute mommy who always always is singing those songs :) overall it was an amazing conference. It makes me so much more excited for General conference!!!One more quick thought. Did I tell yall about Fatima? Well we found her tracting when I was on exchanges, and we went back and found out she was a member!! We went over last week and she shared the story of her baptism. She is from Panama but found the church and was baptized when she was in Maine. Years before she moved to Maine she remembered having a dream that she was in a church and that she was getting baptized. But she didn't understand it. She had never been in a church like the one in her dream and she was just confused. She just forgot about it and went on with her life. Well when she came to Maine she said that when she was in the chapel she felt she had been there before but she couldn't remember when... Then at her baptism as she was going to the font she knew she had been there. She remembered her dream she had had!! How awesome is that?? I know that Heavenly Father is always preparing his children and is always looking for ways as to help them come unto the fold. Although Fatima fell away from the church, when she moved her to clarksville about a year ago she felt like she wanted to go back but didn't know how. And then what happens... There is a little knock on the door and it's the missionaries :) how awesome!! I love her and I just feel such a strong connection with her! We also have the same birthday. Cute
️ haha she came to church yesterday and we found her records and got them transferred over! How great right? I am excited for her to get back to church :) Also a quick HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST MOM EVER!!!!! I love you soooo much. Sorry I won't be home for your birthday... But I will next year :) I love you so much mom. And a happy Easter! And happy general conference! And happy 1 year since I got my mission call. This is a great week coming up! Sorry for the longest email ever. This week was great! I hope all keeps going well at home! Yall are in my prayers always! I love you all sooooo much!!! Xoxoxo Lizzy
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