Hola hola hola! Can you believe that I hit 9 months on Wednesday. THIS IS CRAZY. I don't really know how I feel. I feel like I have been gone for a long time but I also feel like there is still so much to learn. I am definitely at the top and about to go down the slope... So crazy. But I am excited for what will come in the next 3 months but then it's gonna be super weird once I hit a year and only have 6 months left, but I can't even think about that right now! Haha also a quick anniversary shout out to Brandon and Haley! That was such a fun trip down to Arizona. As for this week it was a good week. We went on exchanges with the STL's and that was really nice. I went with Sister Aiono. She is so cute. I love going on exchanges there are always such great learning experiences and always so fun. We had a crazy weird experience when we were knocking doors. This guy like answered the door wide enough that we could see like only half his face (weird right) so we are talking to him and asking him about religion and stuff and he is just like super weird and then we hear this girl from inside yell "yeah well I am Buddhist and I am naked" and the guys face just goes red and we just are like "here is a picture of Jesus bye" it was so weird but soooo funny. I had to share it with yallFriday was like a miracle day! :) here in clarskville we do a ton of Spanish and English work, and I have really been praying so that we can do more Spanish work. Well Friday was a great day because we ONLY DID SPANISH WORK. seriously every person we taught and talked to were Spanish speakers. It was awesome. For awhile I had been having the feeling to go to this trailer park I saw on the map but I was nervous because the area it is close to has some really sketchy trailer parks too, but on Friday I was just like "Hermana we need to go to this trailer park. We will drive there and drive a round and if it's scary we will leave." So we get there and it's like SUPER NICE! What?! And there are tons of Spanish people there! We didn't have time to knock every door but the ones we did we were able to set return appointments for this week! We are about to see BIG things here in the clarskville Spanish area! :) As for the food goes I tried two new things this week. 1. I had deep fried catfish and 2. Corned beef. The senior missionary couple took us out to dinner on Saturday to a place called the catfish house. It's so cool and so cute and southern. It's like hidden behind all these trees. It reminded me kind of like market street grill, but with some southern twang. I ordered a hamburger, but Elder Bolos insisted that I eat some of his catfish. Well I tried it, and it was super good!! Like really really good. They also served us some slaw with our dinner, and it was good too
the corned beef.... It was good but not my favorite. When I first saw it I thought it wasn't cooked so that kind of freaked me out, but it was still pretty good. Hermana Rudolph said that canned corned beef is pretty good too, but I told her I would have to pass on the canned meats. Oh I also wanted to tell you about the Alamaraz family. It's this adorable family we have been teaching and they are just so amazing. Maria, the mom, she really loves the Book of Mormon she doesn't have a super strong religious background, but what she does know is that she finds peace when she reads in the Book of Mormon. And that is something that is so true. The Book of Mormon is a book of hope, love, truth, and happiness. It's a book about Jesus Christ! And that is why the Book of Mormon can change lives. It draws us close to Jesus Christ and helps us change our ways and gives us the guidance we need. I love this family, they make me happier every time I see and visit them. I am so blessed to be able to serve them :) One more thing, yesterday we get to church and about 5 minutes before sacrament meeting starts the first counselor in the bishopric said that they were in need of one more speaker for the meeting and asked if I would give a talk and testimony on service and missionary work. I accepted and then the meeting started. Then it was time for the sacrament and i then I remembered that I had to give a talk after the sacrament. I hurried and pulled out my scriptures and looked for a couple I could share. And then I prayed soooo hard. After the sacrament was over the first speaker spoke then it was my turn. I think it was pretty well! I felt like I was rambling for a little but then I just felt so peaceful and confident. It was a good experience to have but I also hope maybe next time I will maybe have a little bit more preparation time
Anyway I hope that yall have a great Memorial Day and have fun at the graves of the great and glorious dead. And at the BBQ at grandmas :) tell everyone I say hello. Thanks for all updates, support, and love you always send me :) I love you all so much! Xo Hermana Brown :)
Monday, May 25, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
Save Ferris
Hello Family :) Wow so this week was really good! It was a lot of fun as always, HOT. Seriously guys everyone says it just keeps getting worse and I am like it's already worse!!!! And you know us Browns, we are sweaters... And I just am so sweaty all the time. Ugh. It literally is gonna be a long hot summer. So for some good news, Liz (our totally cool investigator) has a baptismal date!! Yahoo. So this is what happened. So the Elders here are teaching her son Nathan (9 years old) because he likes "the men better". So on Friday night the elders went to go and teach Nathan and were hoping to set a baptismal date with him. So we come in at 9 and start planning and we finish planning and we get a call from Liz. In my head I am like "crap the elders did something to tick Liz off..." But then she starts talking about the lesson with the elders. At the same time we are getting a call from the elders on the other line. So Liz goes on to say how the lesson was amazing and that Nathan picked a baptismal date for June 20th!!! We were so exciting. So she says
the lesson ends and that they are saying bye when one of the elders is like "you know Liz you should really pray about a specific date for your own baptism" and then Liz said that she could hear elder Powell talking to her, but when he was talking with her the date July 11th came to her mind. It's a Saturday!! And now Liz's baptismal date!!! Wahhhhh hermana Rudolph and I were just like screaming!! I am so excited for Liz! She is so incredible and I know I was meant to meet her here in clarskville. This week we also had zone conference. It was really awesome. And guess what we had for lunch. CAFE RIO SALADS / BURRITOS !!!️😀 okay so not the like legit kind but like super close. It was so delicious. I was the happiest ever. Haha but zone conference was really good. We talked a lot about working with members. And that has been something I have been trying to work in better, working with members. Because I know that when we have a good relationship with the the members the work starts to pick up. We also talked a lot about the atonement. We talked about how through Christ we are converted and then changed. One of the AP's gave the example of Lot's wife. If we look back at the past or want to go back to who we use to be, we might not actually turn into a pillar of salt like Lot's wife did, but we allow that salty taste into our lives. Would we rather have the salty taste of our past, or the sweet taste of partaking of the fruit of the tree of life, or in other words, allowing the atonement to work in our lives, so we can partake of fruit which is most desirable of all? I am so grateful for the atonement. I have really seen it help shape me and change me while being on my mission. I know that through Christ we are made whole, and clean, and we can receive forgiveness. And because of the atonement the laws of justice and mercy are satisfied. As for the rest of this week we walked a ton! Like so much. I have blisters on the bottoms of my feet. Ouch
but it's okay! On Friday night we didn't have our car and we had to go to one appointment to another and the lived the opposite ways we needed to go. It was hot and humid and I was tired but we did it. We calculated where we walked and we walked about 5 miles within 45 mins. Like what? How crazy. It was a great week and I am loving this area and the people more and more every day. I love being a missionary!!! Thanks for all the updates going on back at home. I hope dad can get his pots done soon :) thank you for all your love and support you send me! I can really feel your prayers helping and supporting me :) I hope yall have a great week. I love yall so so so much!!! Xoxo Hermana Brown :) Ps I also got fed SPAM this week and I thought I was going to die or throw up or both. But I made it out alive
Sunday, May 17, 2015
heat and humidity do not mix well with me....
Hello! Wow it seems like we talked less than 24 hrs ago.... Oh wait...I am so grateful that we were able to skype yesterday. Seriously the best. And can you believe no tears?! Me too. That's kind of strange... I am worried they will come in the next couple days and that could be kind of scary.. Hopefully I don't scare my companion... no promises! Well this week was a really good, long, hot week!! This email probably wont be terribly long, considering we talked yesterday, but who knows it could be.. I am pretty long winded. Tuesday we walked, and walked and walked and knocked doors, and walked some more. FOR 5 HOURS! I was so tired and so hot, but i just said to my comp, having all the faith i could, "Hermana I know that if we are showing Heavenly Father that we are willing to work hard we will be blessed" so we continued walking, and knocking, and walking... well we get over by the church and there were a couple trailers down the street i have always wanted to try knocking. So, we head over there and that is where we meet Alejandro! he had just come home from work and was sitting outside drinking a beer (classic hispanic) and we start talking to him and his brother about the church. Hermana Rudolph and i have been trying better to teach people things that they want to learn more about instead of what we think they need to learn about. So hermana asks alejandro if he has ever had any questions about religion that he felt like he has never gotten a good answer to. (she is a boss) and he asks why there are so many different religions and churches in general if there is just one God? HOLLER. so we start teaching him about the great apostasy. He was so interested! He said he has to work a lot and he doesnt know his exact work schedule, its not regular, but that we are welcome back anytime! it was seriously a tender mercy and miracle from heavenly father! As we are leaving i say to hermana "i knew it! heavenly father will bless us as we put our faith into this work" then our phone goes off. we got a text from one of our investigators who has been dodging us the last 2 weeks or so. she texts us and says she misses us and wants to have us over for dinner this week!! WHAT even more blessings! although i did get a mad farmers tan and a tiny bit of heat stroke, I am grateful i was able to see those tender mercies and miracles that heavenly father sent us :) Thursday was kind of a different day. We woke up and hurry and got ready and went over to a less actives home. she needed us to go and translate for her at the hospital. So we go there and had to wait forever. It reminded me how much i hate waiting at the doctors office. the worst!! so we go and translate for her and it was fun, i realized i know a lot more than i thought i did, that was until we had to try and translate the medical terms... thankfully i brought my dictionary ;) we got home about noon! it was SO LONG! we hurry and ate lunch and had a little time of studies and then our member came and picked us up to go to a lesson with us. after the lesson she took us to another side of town and did some finding. our dinner was suppose to come and get us at 5:30 but didnt end up coming until about 7.. so basically we were walking and talking and tracting, and knocking on doors from about 2:30-7.. again another 5 hours!! and man it was so hot... i dont know how i am going to survive the "summer" because i am already dead and everyone keeps saying that this weather is nice compared to what it gets like.. oh boy.... so then we went and had dinner and then they took us home.... it was a strange day... but looking back at it, we talked to so many people about the gospel and taught a ton of people! miracles! And then it was my birthday! it was a great day! thank you for all my presents and all the birthday wishes! it was a little bit different not to be home for my birthday but it was really fun! i cant believe that i am actually twenty! it seems so strange. Overall it was a great week and a great birthday :) and it was a great mothers day! i am grateful for my mommy. she is the best! i feel bad for everyone who doesnt have her as a mom, because she is awesome :) Well, this email turned out a lot longer than i thought it would be! anyway i hope yall have a great day! and a great week! love you all :) xoxo hermana lizzy brown :)
Monday, May 11, 2015
You're gonna die clown (May 4, 2015)
Hola mi familia bonita! Sounds like things are going quite well out on there on the west side. I'm about to get scorched to death this next week.️ but on the plus side it's my birthday!!!! Yahoo! This is kind of crazy. Im gonna be 20!!! But the best part is that 2 days later we get to skype. This is gonna be the best week ever!!! Okay to start off, TRANSFERS. So it looks like I am staying here in Clarksville for another transfer, and Hermana Rudolph is going to be staying here with me. I'm pretty excited. As tough as this area is, I love it. And I am grateful I get to stay here another transfer :) This week was horribly awesome as well. It's so strange. Here in Clarksville you can have like the worst week, but also the best week at the same time. It's actually pretty cool how when Satan tries to intervene with the work, the Lord will continue to bless us. So we had two of our investigators drop us this week. Two days in a row. Absolutely awful. I just have been praying that one day they will have the opportunity to have the gospel and they will open the door. It's just sad. But we found a new investigator! Her name is Blanca and she is so cute! We were talking with her and her family on Friday night and she invited us over for Tuesday. She is so sweet and I really think that her and her family will join the church! If not now, sometime soon :) This week was a week of "first times" I learned how to stain a fence this week! I mean it was pretty cool besides all the bug bites I got on my legs from sitting in the grass for 2 hours. But it was good. A member in our ward is moving and she asked us to help her stain her fence before they put their house up for sale. It was really fun but like I said too many bug bites.
I also this week over came my dislike for seafood. Well sorta. I think.... On Friday we were weekly planning when our dinner that night called and canceled. About an hour later, a less active member, Irlanda, called and asked if we wanted to come to dinner that night. Miracle. We go over to her house and we are having sopa de mariscos... My heart kind of dropped.... I was so excited because the whole time we were walking over there I kept saying in my head "man I am so excited for dinner because Irlanda makes the best food" then it was all sea food. I don't think I have ever prayed so hard that food would taste good and that I would be able to eat it. But it was really good!!! We had lobster, crab, scallops, shrimp, and tilapia. And I ate all of it. And it was delicious! Aren't yall so proud? I was pretty proud of myself as well
last something funny that happened for the first time too was on Saturday. Hermana Rudolph and I were doing our language study when we heard a knock on the door. We were expecting it to be the sisters dropping the car keys off. I open it and it is two middles aged Hispanic women. They started saying how they were looking for Spanish people, so I started talking to them in Spanish. They were Jehovah Witness missionaries. They seemed pretty shocked. Then she noticed my tag and asked what church we were with. We said the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They looked like they has seen a ghost. Haha they asked if they could give us a pamphlet. We nicely accepted and asked if they would like one of ours, they declined it and then left. It was so interesting and I M so grateful I got that opportunity to like be on the other side of the door. I learned a lot and learned how I liked being door contacted. Although I was pretty sad they didn't take one of our pamphlets I am glad I got to have this experience. Anyway on our investigators that are so cool. First there is Liz. She is so awesome!! She has been coming to church and meeting with us a ton this last week. She is so cool because we will go over and teach her a lesson and by the time we get there she has already studied everything about it And taken like awesome notes too. The best part is when she says "the best part I love about our church..." Or "I like that our church does this..." And when her neighbors come by she is always like "these are missionaries from my church.." She is totally awesome. We are planning on setting a specific baptism date for her this week so that's pretty exciting :) Now I wanna tell yall a little about Maria. She is so cute. I love this woman so much. She makes my heart happy every time we get to see her. On Tuesday last week we went and saw her and taught her about the Book of Mormon. As Hermana Rudolph and I testified about the Book of Mormon the spirit it was so strong. You could see the desire she had to read it. Something I love so much about Maria is her humility. She is so humble but yet would give everything she has to help someone, even if it was all she had. She is such an example of Jesus Christ. Well I better rap it up for this week since we get to talk on SUNDAY!!! :) yay happy Mother's Day! Also a big congrats to josh for graduating college on the best day of the year too! That's so exciting. I hope E starts doing better and that her knee can heal fast so she can get to feeling better :) thanks for being the best family ever. I love yall so much!! I will see you on Sunday :) Xoxo Hermana Brown :)
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