Well I thought I would be able to at least surprise y'all about where I am but I guess that's impossibleokay SO. My new area. I am in Winchester Tennessee and I LOVE IT HERE!!! This is by far my absolute favorite area since I have been here. So to my surprise, at transfer meeting, I found out I was actually whitewashing this area with my new comp hermana capener. So that would make all three of my areas whitewashed... I think I might whitewash my whole mission....hahaha so a little info about Winchester, it is a small town. My area covers the whole Franklin county, a county full of small towns. I am in a small English branch of probably 70-90 people, and yes we do meet in a funeral home... It's very nice. The young women meet in the coffin room..... Hahaha it's so different from anywhere I have been before. Winchester is like a lake town. It's surrounded by Tims Ford lake. It's so cute. And we live right next to the lake!!! We go for a walk every morning around the lake. We are going to go get fishing licenses today :) My new companion is Hermana CaPener. I love her. She is awesome and we get a long SO great. Seriously such an answer to my prayers. She is such a hard worker and an amazing missionary. We are so excited to be working here in this area together. Today we are actually starting a 40 day fast of English. Meaning for 40 days her and I will only speak to each other in Spanish. It's going to a little tough, but I m excited. We have so much faith that we will be able to have the success that we need here. Lately I have been thinking a lot about the law of sacrifice and why it's so important. I had the thought that my mission wasn't as big as a sacrifice as it should be, because I was sacrificing things that really weren't much of a sacrifice. So that is what my goal is for this transfer, is to really sacrifice things that will show the Lord I am ready to do his work, and be a servant that he can count on.
Okay so let me tell yall all a little more about my great first week in Winchester. So on our way home from transfer meeting we rode with an elderly couple, the Veazey's (VZ) and they are amazing. So kind and loving. They drove us home and took us first to the funeral home, aka the church and gave us a tour. It was really different but also pretty cool. The part that was probably the most creepy was the coffin room...the chapels there are super pretty and nice so it's pretty awesome we get to have church there. After that we went to our apartment to drop our luggage off. Our apartment is really nice and big. It's more like a little town house! But since we were whitewashing elders... It was very dirty... So we cleaned it up a little and the VZ's took us to Walmart to buy some more cleaning supplies and some food. Well then we come back to our part,met and are cleaning when a HUGE thunder and lightning storm starts... Then our power goes out.... You know how I am kind of a baby when it comes to that... Haha it was a great way to start our first day here in Winchester
The people here are awesome and they are so southern. It's so funny and cool! I love it so much. But it's also soooo hot here too... Like super hot. And humid. And on Thursday guess what we did? Yup that's right, we rode our bikes. Haha it was great, but I looked like I just took a shower or something so that was disgusting. Us Browns have some type of gene where our body's just don't do good with humidity or something. We only have one member of the branch who actually speaks Spanish, but he is pretty less active, so that's kind of different. To be Spanish missionaries is a small English branch, that meets in a funeral home.... Haha but the elders were teaching this family before they left and they are awesome! Hugo and Laura (haha you can't help but think of the treehouse of terror with Bart's evil twin brother Hugo, am I right
) but they are so cute and want to know so much about the gospel. They have two little boys who are 2 and 6 months old. :) This email is kind of scattered brained right now, but I hope yall can make sense of it. This area is awesome, and the members here are amazing. I feel so lucky to be the first set of sisters here in the area in over 2 years, and the first Spanish speaking sisters as well! I am so excited to see what will come of the promised land of Winchester Tennessee :) I hope yall had a great week and an awesome Father's Day! I am so lucky to have the best dad in the world. He seriously makes everything better :) I love you family! Thanks for all your love and support. I hope you have a great day and week! Xoxo Hermana Lizzy Brown
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Lake people
Friday, June 19, 2015
Let's get coconutyy!
Hello my family! Thanks for all the fun updates and cool pictures at out of school party :) sounds like it was a fun busy week, but also a hard one, especially with the passing of sister Murphy.. I am so sad to hear about that and poor brother Murphy I will be sure to keep him in my prayers! Well I was going to wait till the end of my email to tell yall about transfers but I thought that would be rude so i won't do that... Well I am saying ¡adiĆ³s! To my cute little city of Clarksville, I am pretty sad but I had the feeling I was going to be leaving... But want to know what's even worse? Hermana Rudolph and I are both being transferred out of clarskville and they are putting elders back in here... I don't know how I feel about all this. Needless to say I was pretty upset when I found out on Saturday... We were the first hermanas here in the Spanish area in about 4 years. I can't help but feel like it's because I didn't work hard enough or I am not a good missionary and that's why they are taking us out.... but I don't think that's the case, well I sure hope not! I think it's just satan trying to get me down. It's just so hard. This town has been like my baby and we have been working so hard the last four months. It's scary to just have to give it away and hope that the new missionaries will help all these people here. I guess I have to have more faith in the missionaries, my mission president, and the lord. I know the Lord is aware of this area and all these people and I know he will do what is best for them. But it's just SO stressful. I feel like a mom leaving long notes and to do lists and info about all the investigators and members here so that the elders coming in will be able to take care of them. I won't find out where I will be going or who my new companion is until tomorrow at transfer meeting! So yall will have to stay tuned for next week to see where I end up! (Inside I hope I get to go to Nashville️
) Now to fill yall in on my last week in clarskville! So the south is like so awesome because of FIREFLIES!!! Wahh. They are the coolest lil buggies ever. I love them. So the other night we were driving down the road and I took a wrong turn and we got to a dead end that was Like an entry way into the forest or something. Well I turn off car lights and it's like we are in a forest full of twinkle lights! There were fireflies everywhere!! It was one of the coolest things I have seen ever :) So we have been teaching Rosa's daughter Emellyn and preparing her for baptism. She is so adorable and I am so sad that I won't be able to be here for her baptism. She was suppose to get baptized yesterday, but her uncle who was going to baptize her, him and his family got in a car accident on Saturday afternoon. Everyone was totally fine and not injured but just a little banged up so they wouldn't make it to the baptism on Sunday... I am glad everyone was okay but I am sad that we will be missing her baptism next week :( I love Emellyn and Rosa and that whole family!!! It was just so sad to have to say bye to them :( I feel like just so connected to them. I feel so blessed to be able to serve here with this family and share those unforgettable spiritual moments with them. The mission is an amazing thing. Okay the CRAZIEST thing happened with week. But to make all of it make sense I must rewind to my first transfer here in Clarksville. We were sitting in the church having district meeting when, These two people (Hermano y Hermana Falcon) come knocking on the door. They were from Puerto Rico and so me and Hermana LaPine were talking to them. Well the husband is in the military so he was got stationed here, and they didn't have any information about the church (they are members!) well, Hermana falcon was still in the process of moving here so she would come every four months, stay for about a month, and then go back to Puerto Rico. So get this. It's time for her to come back and she comes to church and she says how she wants to come out with us sometime this week. So she comes out with us and we are driving to an appointment and I am telling her how my cousin jake is serving in Puerto Rico on his mission but i didn't know what area he was in. So we are just driving still and I remember that the Brazilians (James and Vivian) are in Puerto Rico too. So I continue to tell her that my other cousins are there as well because he is doing dental school there. She asked me what there names are and tell her, she thinks about it for awhile and says "ella es de Brasil?" (She is from Brazil?) And I look at her and say YES!! So get this. Hermana Falcon is the primary president of her Ward in Puerto Rico, and about 4 months ago they had this big primary activity with multiple different stakes in the area and that is where she met and talked with Vivian at! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?! Oh my gosh. I was like speechless the rest of the night in shock. How crazy is that? It truly is a small world after all
One more thing, we taught Liz the word of wisdom this week.... And she is in the process of quitting smoking right now!!
️ I am so happy. She let us take all her vapor pipes and nicotine and throw them away. It was an amazing experience. Liz is so awesome. I am so sad to be leaving her :( she has been an answer to my prayers and I feel so grateful that I have had the chance to teach her. And to be taught by her! She will make an amazing member of the church. But I am so excited to come back for her baptism in just a couple of weeks :) Well that's about it for this week. Hermana Rudolph will be spending the rest of the day packing and cleaning up the apartment. I hope yall have an amazing week. Thanks for all your support you give me. I can really feel your prayers! I am so blessed to be a missionary. Have a great week and I will try not to roast in the sun
️ Xo Hermana Brown
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Thunder storms and fireflies
Hello my dear family :) Sounds like this last week was a fun, but busy one in the Brown home! I hope you had a great time celebrating all the fun birthdays this week! I am pretty sad I missed out on the Cheesecake Factory, as well as cake roll!! Those both sound pretty delicious right about nowCan you believe that we get transfer calls on Saturday? Crazy. And next week I will be informing yall what's going to become of me and of Clarksville. I don't want to leave clarskville but I am kind of feeling like my time is about up here :( but who knows! I will be super happy if I get to stay another transfer, but I also know that if I do get transferred that is where I need to be. We will see what will happen! So this week was good, but also one of the weirdest weeks on my mission. Last week was an awesome week, and we had so many things set up for this week, and soooo many of our lessons just fell through. And kept falling through. It was insane. People would set up lessons, we would call them, they would say we could come over, and then when we would get there, they wouldn't be there... Talk about a let down. I could really feel the Lord testing Hermana Rudolph and I this week, but it was good! We pushed through and we were able to see a ton of miracles and do a lot of service as well :) This first miracle, was that... WE FINALLY GOT TRANSLATION EQUIPMENT!!!! Bishop Young called us on Wednesday night informing us that we got translation equipment, and when he told us i starting screaming, I was pretty close to tears as well... But it's just so exciting. After 8 months, since the Spanish branch was first dissolved, we have translation equipment. We are now able to invite our investigators to sacrament meeting, and tell our less active members that sacrament meeting will now be translated into Spanish. Seriously definitely one of the highlights of the week :) We also did a lot of service this week. So that was fun. One of the sisters who was in the Spanish branch is very very sick right now and can hardly get out of bed. We went over and decided to help clean her house. It's so sad because she can't do much and her family does NOT help clean anything. We ended up spending about 2 hours cleaning a room probably the size of my bedroom.. And by the time we finished, it wasn't even all that clean. It was such a humbling experience to have. I am also grateful that were able to help serve Hermana Gil. Did I ever tell yall about Luis? Well a couple of weeks ago we were walking down the street, actually right in front of the church, and we passed this guy and started talking to him, his name is Luis. He is from Puerto Rico and is like the nicest old grandpa guy EVER. He is just so cute. We went and taught him about the Book of Mormon this week and he was so excited to read it. He also told us that his neighbor in Puerto Rico is actually a member of the church and he use to talk to him about the gospel all the time! And he use to see the missionary over there always walking down the streets and such. Talk about prepared! I am so excited to see where he goes in the gospel :) Last night we had a stake fireside about the Book of Mormon. The stake president asked if I would share my personal experiences and testimony of the Book of Mormon. It was a great meeting. I always thought that when I was a missionary I wouldn't be as nervous talking in front of a lot of people, but that's not true. I was still pretty nervous. But I think overall it went well :) I love love love the Book of Mormon and I know that it truly is the word of God. How lucky are we that we get to read and have the Book of Mormon today? It has blessed my life so much, and the knowledge i receive when i am reading the Book of Mormon is never ending. Well I think I will close for now! I hope yall have a great week :) as I was actually writing this email the power went out because of a huge thunder and lightening storm which is taking place right now. I hope that it comes back on soon so I can send this and we can chat! I love yall so so so much!! Xo Hermana Brown
Monday, June 1, 2015
She ate her peas one at a time....
Happy June! Wow I can't believe that it's June already. That's just crazy. I am jealous of your trip to the cabin that sounds nice! Well except for the whole cleaning part of it... I still remember when we went up there that one year with aunt Cindy and uncle Steve and there were so many dead birds and disgusting things... Gross haha But I can imagine that it looks super nice now and super clean I know everyone will appreciate it :) sounded like the weather was nice too. I hope e didn't have tooooo much fun being home alone for the weekendbut I think after my mission I wouldn't mind taking a weekend being alone either haha Well this week was great! I have many stories to tell you. I will try my best not to make this email toooooo long, but again, no promises! The weather has been good but also crazy this week. Some days it poured rain, and the others it was blue skies. Some days it was pretty humid, I remember standing at s door way and my glasses started to fog up. It was so weird. somedays it's like so humid and other days it's not humid at all. Either way I am usually always warm and gross and sweaty so I guess if you really ask me it doesn't matter too much if it is that humid or not. Tuesday was a really cool day. It was sister Browns birthday (sister missionary in the clarskville 1st Ward. We also came in to the mission field the same day) and so we went out to lunch with the sisters to noodles and company. It was delicious. I hadn't had eaten at noodles and company my whole mission and it made me remember how delicious it is! It was a fun time. I am grateful that there are the cv1 sisters here, they are like my saving grace somedays! Tuesday night was pretty interesting. We go over to Liz's to have a lesson with her and then right before we start the lesson there is a knock on the door. It was the Elders and some members coming to have a lesson with Liz's son Nathan. She totally spaced she had told the elders and Us that we could come over that night. We told the elders we could go and do some finding in the neighborhood if they would just call us after their lesson with Nathan. So we start walking down the road when we see these Hispanics putting these huge plastic bags full of stuff into a bed of a truck. We start talking to them and it looks like they are be moving or something. But their hands were completely black and there was some caution tape around the entrance of the door. We asked them if they needed any help with anything. So turns out that about 2 weeks ago their kitchen caught on fire and they had smoke damage throughout the rest of the apartment. It was crazy. The whole kitchen was just black ashes and burns everywhere. Everything was completely covered with ash and smoke residue. It was seriously so heartbreaking. Although we were not in any type of service clothes we offered to help. It was such an amazing feeling to be able to help this family salvage their things from this small 2 bedroom apartment. As we were talking we came to find out that the elders had been teaching this family about a year ago. How awesome is that? Then an even bigger miracle, is in our area book there is a family the elders had been teaching, and we have tried to contact them but never have been able to because they moved and we didn't have their phone number, but guess what? It's turns out that the family was the same family we had been trying to contact, is this family that we were helping out! It was such s sweet moment helping this family out. The whole time I couldn't help but thank Heavenly Father. I am so grateful that Hermana Rudolph and I were able to be in the right place at the right time to help this family and to find this family again. It just makes my testimony even stronger that Heavenly Father truly knows everyone of his children and he knows all our needs and everything we go through, and he truly does send people to help us and answer prayers. Although I was covered in ash residue I think this experience has been one of my favorites on my entire mission. I have never felt so much love, joy, and gratitude. I love being a missionary! Quickly I wanted to tell yall about Liz. Oh my goodness she is SO amazing. I love her. Every time we have a lesson with her she just bares testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. It's such an amazing thing to watch someone who has been looking for the gospel their whole life finally find it. She mentioned that her whole life she has been trying to find some way to connect everything in her life and now with the gospel she feels like everything just connects. I am so grateful and blessed to be able to watch her grow in the gospel :) Can you believe there is only 2 weeks left of the transfer? Time has really gone by so fast. I have almost been here in clarskville for 4 months! I am getting nervous because the work here has really started to sky rocket... Which only means one thing, I have to leave right when things start picking... Who knows. I don't want to stress too much about being transferred yet! I love this area and the members of the church here. They are amazing! I feel so blessed to be able to be a missionary at this time. :) I will end here for now. Thanks for all the love and support you send me. And always keeping me updated on things back at home. And thanks for always sending me pictures. They always make me happy :) well i love yall so much! Have a great week!! Xo Hermana Brown
With the bishops daughters. They are the cutest girls ever |
Once again. |
I have entered the mission field. Haha found this in sign when you exit the Nazarene church that's down the street. Hermana Rudolph was embarrassed to take a photo but I made her take one of me. Lol |
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