this week was crazy!! First off, What is up with this weather?? It was
really cold and snowy and rainy and windy this passed week. Thankfully
it wasn't as bad here in Clarksville as it was in other places in
tennessee. We only were home bound in our apartments all
of Monday, and since that was PDAY that wasn't too bad. The thing is
about people in the south, they don't know how to handle weather.... The
schools were all closed this passed week. THE WHOLE WEEK.... We got
probably 1-2 inches of snow... And so literally everything was like
closed all week... You would think that would be great for missionary
work, right? Because everyone is home.. Well wrong. All our appointments
canceled on us and then no one would let us in... It was a struggle
this week. But we did have some way awesome experiences and saw great
Well, we have a baptism set for
Saturday! I am pretty excited. This boy justin who is 11 will be getting
baptized. It's pretty exciting! His mom is a member and his dad isn't.
He had to ask his dad for permission and he was pretty scared and Just
never did... Well we had a dinner with them on Friday and really
encouraged him to ask his dad, we went over yesterday and he had asked
his dad and he said yes! We are all pretty excited. We are pretty sure
justin is excited as well, but we can't really tell.... He is a very
serious person and doesn't show much emotion at all.. But hey he wants
to be baptized so I guess that's all the emotions we really need, right?
Okay next is about Brooke!!! SHE IS
AMAZING. So last week at church we met this lady who just came with the
bishops wife, her name is Brooke. And her husband is in the military and
he is deployed right now, and so the elders can't really teach her, so
we got her information and planned to go see her on Tuesday. THIS IS PROOF THAT THE GOSPEL CHANGES LIVES!
So we go over Tuesday. She is so cute. So her husband is a member but
became inactive when he was in high school. They got married and then a
few months later he got deployed.. Sad :( well so she is like a southern
baptist. So her mother in law has really been reaching out to her
lately since her husband has been gone, and sent the missionaries over.
So like a month ago some missionaries went and visited her, gave her a
Book of Mormon then never came back... Elders..... So, we went and
taught her the restoration. She reallllllly likes it and has soooo many
questions. Also she had already been reading the Book of Mormon and was
in 2 Nephi. Say what! So we went back on Friday and she had written in
her notebook like all these questions she had. We went through some and
so that was really fun! Just to have questions think about them then use
the scriptures right there to answer them! We didn't get through all of
them so we went back on Saturday with a member. It was great! We walk
in and she is like playing hymns on her phone. We are like "are those
hymns?" And she is just like "yeah! They have like a pandora station. I
just really want to have a home that really invites the spirit." WHO IS
THIS PERSON. we finish answering her questions, and man she had awesome
questions. One was "How can I prepare to go to the temple and be sealed
with my husband?" Wow it was great. The only problem is her husband has
kind of a hard heart.... And he might take a little bit to come back to
church but that's not gonna stop Brooke... She told him that if they
wanted a successful happy marriage they needed to have the gospel in it.
What 21 year old just says that!? She then asked if her father in law
could baptize her.... So right now, only knowing her a week, she is
halfway through the Book of Mormon, wants to be baptized, and is wanting
to prepare to be sealed in the temple. seriously she is amazing. I know
that the gospel can change lives. And to truly be happy we need to be
living the gospel principles. I am so thankful for the gospel and how it
changes me everyday!!
Overall this week was
slow, cold, but awesome!! I am so excited for this area! Thank you for
all the love you give me, I can really feel the prayers. I love you all,
and I hope you have a great fun week!!
Lizzy :)