Querida familia y amigos : Well this is it, my last email serving as a full time missionary of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I can't even begin to explain how I feel right now, considering I don't even know myself. I can't believe that for the last 18 months of my life I have had the opportunity to represent my savior Jesus Christ and teach those around me all about restored gospel. Let me just tell y'all how much I love my mission ! I love everything. Everything about it :) I try to think about what I could share about the things I have learned and I feel like I would probably be writing them until next week if I tried to do that. As I have thought a lot about my mission, the experiences I have had, the people I have met, and my personal conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ I can't help but smile and think about a loving, merciful Father in Heaven who has allowed me, someone so far from perfect, to labor in his vineyard. To get to know and serve his children, and to deepen my own understanding of the gospel. I think of my savior Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for him. Someone who literally gave everything, his time, his love, his patience, his life, for me, for everyone. If that's all I could learn on my mission I am happy. I remember my first week walking down some creepy road in Columbia at 8:45pm when Hna Torres asked me what I wanted to learn or be at the end of my mission. I thought about this question for a little bit and then answered by sharing a quote from Elder Dallin H Oaks. This has been the theme of my mission. "A testimony is to know and believe. Conversion is to do and become." that's what I wanted out of my mission. I didn't just want a testimony of the gospel, of Jesus Christ, or of Heavenly Father, I wanted to do and become. I wanted to become someone who because of their testimony was changed, and not just for a little while. But who's heart had truly been changed and would stay changed. The Lord is so merciful and he truly knows exactly what we need in our lives. Everyday, every minute. The lord has taught me so much and helped me learn little by little everyday, just enough so that I could, over time , become truly converted and changed. I am so grateful. :) I don't want to be all sentimental and everything during my last email, but I guess that's just how I truly feel about my mission. It is all just a big sweet tender mercy ! Full of hilarious stories, awkward moments, sketchy people, crazy bible bashers, spicy food, it's full of daily miracles, full of service, full of laughter, full of tears and frustration, full of faith and hope, full of prayer, full of happiness. Enos 1:26 "And I saw that I must soon go down to [my home], having been wrought upon by the power of God that I must preach and prophesy unto this people, and declare the word according to the truth which is in Christ. And I have declared it in all my days [for the last 18 months] and have rejoiced in it above that of the world." Although I am sad it's over, I am so happy ! I am so happy because I too have rejoiced in this work ! This is the work of salvation. This is the work of the Lord. What more could we rejoice about ? I am so blessed to have such an amazing family, thank you for all you have done for me! I love you sooooo much ! I am grateful for goodly parents who have raised me in the knowledge of the gospel and for older siblings who have supported me and been the best examples to me. Call me trunky but I am so excited to see y'all on Wednesday morning :) I know that this work is true. I know that God lives, he is our father, I know that Jesus is the Christ. He is the savior and redeemer of the world and all mankind. I know the gospel has been restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. I know that when he prayed that spring morning, God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him. What happened in the sacred grove that day changed the world. It changed everything. And I know it can change lives, because it has changed mine. I know the Book of Mormon is true !! I am grateful for the chance to serve in "the Bible Belt" because my love and testimony for the bible has grown so much as well. I know that this is a gospel of happiness and joy. I can't wait to see you on Wednesday morning !! Con mucho mucho mucho amor , Hermana Elizabeth Brown
Monday, February 22, 2016
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Hello family ! Wow I can't believe that I am starting my last week of my mission this week. Can you believe it ? The time has flown by sooooooo fast! I am seriously so grateful for my mission. It's been the best, hardest, craziest, funniest time of my life and I am very grateful for all that the Lord has taught me and helped me become while I have been laboring in this part of his vineyard. This week was a great week and I am excited to fill y'all in on everything that has been going down here in Tennessee :) the weather has been cold and warm and wet and snowy and icy... My body can't take these climate changes.... But it's okay. Last night it was literally raining ice... Not hail, ice... That was interestingSo I think one of the biggest miracles we had this week was.... We found Margarita Anderson! After you know knocking on almost every house, getting the cops called on us and screamed at by a bunch of old people we found her :) she is the sweetest lady I know and my love for her is already so big ! It was literally such a big miracle that we found her and she wants to start meeting with us too! We had planned with Hna Burgos to go and try and find her this week because she said she remembered a little bit where she lived, but then it started snowing and Hna Burgos didn't feel comfortable driving in the snow, so we said its alright and that we would go another day, well as we were leaving our apartment I said to Hna Reynolds... Should we just go try one more time to find her ? And so off we went ! And because it was snowing, she was at home and didn't go into work.. MIRACLE. so that was pretty awesome
We met with the Leguna family this week and we had another amazing Lesson with them! They are so prepared, both of them! Lupe came with us to the lesson, his first time not being the one we are teaching, and he loved it! I was pretty nervous because ya know he is still learning and has only been baptized a month and you know how sometimes investigators can say some weird things and such.. But anyway it was a perfect lesson and a perfect lesson to bring Lupe to !! Dorian had a few questions about how he could know if Joseph smith really saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and was a true prophet, and Gilda just wants to know how she can grow her relationship closer to God and Jesus Christ. We had a great lesson all about the Book of Mormon and prayer. They asked Lupe how he came to know it was true and he said "to be honest I haven't been a part of the church very long, but really all it is, is praying. I prayed and I know that this is Heavenly Father helping me and showing me that this is the truth" bam SPIRIT!!! It was awesome. We have another lesson with them this week and I am excited to watch them keep progressing. The best part was when we were leaving Lupe looks at us and said "what you guys are doing is really awesome" HE FELT THE MISSIONARY SPIRIT. And I think he really realized how the gospel can really bless everyone. That was an awesome night ! Oh also, Lupe blessed the sacrament yesterday !!! Annnnnnnnnd he got a calling. He is progressing SO much. Who would have thought, my first Sunday here he came , just because presidente Burgos invited him, and now, my second to last Sunday he is blessing the sacrament. This truly is the work of the Lord and I am amazed that I get to even be apart of this work. I love my mission sooooo much
Oh also this week we went to the temple and that was awesome :) I love the temple! And a couple from Winchester was working there that day so I got to see them. That was a sweet tender mercy :) I think that's probably about it for this week.... It was a good week ! And now, this week is gonna be even better ! Try not to do anything toooooo fun without me this next week
I can't thank you enough for all you have done for me while helping me on my mission. I love you all sooooooo much ! Have a great week !! XOXO HERMANA BROWN
Hno Alduenda, he is sick and can't leave his bed, so we go and sing to him every Sunday. He is sooooo sweet. |
At the temple with Hna Reynolds |
Hna Alduenda she said she didn't want her picture taken but I had to get one anyway. I love her :) |
Temple with Diana, I love this woman !! Next year we are coming back for her sealing in the temple with her husband, just so y'all can start making plans now |
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
walking barefoot
Hey Family !!
Happy monday! :) I cant believe that it
is already monday ! that is absolutely crazy. The time is just picking
up faster and faster..... I cant quite tell if that is a good thing or a
bad thing as of right now... i am going to go with a both... haha But i
am excited to tell you all about our great week!
So we had some sweet miracles which i am very excited to tell yall about!
OFF we have a baptismal date!! yahoo! its for a 9 year old boy we are
teaching him and his family! The date is set for March 5 and i am sooo
excited! I dont know if yall remember me talking much about our
investigator Maggy Romo or not... Well back in the spring the
missionaries found her and started teaching her, she started progressing
and then went from progressing to not progressing and so forth, SO
frustrating as a missionary. Literally a roller coaster of emotions with
her. But its awesome because we started teaching her and her son Carlos
again and now Carlos has a baptismal date! they use to be going to the
catholic church and her kids were getting ready for their baptism into
the catholic church, but then some things happened and such and now her
and her husband both want their kids to be baptized into the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! Yahoooo! so sweet! So this is all
pretty exciting. Now we just have to get maggy on date and soon her
husband which could be hard considering i have never met him before...
BUT we will start to teach him soon :)
Next I
dont remember if you guys remember me tell you about Gilda Lenguna, she
was this total miracle we found back around Thanksgiving and since then
we have NEVER been able to meet up with her, BUT this week we had our
first lesson with her and her husband, Dorian and it was AWESOME! they
are sooo totally prepared. So that is awesome :) and seriously they are
just looking for the true church and I am just so excited to start
teaching them!
got the priesthood yesterday so that was sweet! He is progressing a ton.
and that makes me really happy! He is really growing in the gospel too
and he fits in perfectly with our little branch :)
Okay here for the big miracle of the week!
we had a lesson set to go and visit the Guttierez family but since its a
single dad and his sons we always need a member to come with us. Well,
we had a member set up and everything and then like right before, things
happened and our member couldnt come.. haha typical ;) BUT i just had
the feeling that we needed to go and that everything would work out. As
we were driving to their house frantically trying to call as many people
as we could last minute to come with us. No one answered. it was soooo
strange because usually i would have just been super stressed but I was
strangely calmed the whole time. Which was kind of freaking me out that i
was so freaked out, ya know what i mean? haha hna seemed a little bit
just mad, so i was trying to be positive and everything and just saying
"its fine everything will work out, no worries, God has a plan its
finnnneeee" AND GOD HAD A PLAN!! SO we pull into the apartment complex
and head towards their building, we are about to park and i see this
lady walking and i am like "is that mari's mom?!" (Mari, our recent
convert lives in the same apartment complex but on the other side, and
her nonmember mom has been staying with them for the last 4 months or
so) and i am like no... then we get closer and it was TOTALLY her! So we
hurry and park and we run over and start talking to her. We told her we
were going to go and visit some friends real quick and asked if she
wanted to come with us and she totally says YES!!! IT WAS A HUGE
MIRACLE!! literally i had the biggest smile on my face ever just
thinking WOW GOD IS SO MERCIFUL!!! THANK YOU! So although we werent able
to get a member present, we were able to go in and teach an awesome
lesson all about the book of mormon to the guttierez family and to
Rosalba. I feel really grateful God's plan that he has for all of us and
that he allows me to see all these incredible experiences everyday. I
am so happy and i love being a missionary!
story. We went to go see a less active family and at the end of the
lesson we asked them all if they would come to church on sunday. one of
the daughters, trying to make excuses said "i dont have any shoes..." so
i took mine off and said "okay here are your shoes, now you have shoes
to come to church in" and then we left. I think that they thought i was
joking and would come back for the shoes, but nope, we didnt haha it
would have worked out perfectly... but then i remembered we had to stop
at the store on the way home... so i had to walk into walgreens without
shoes on... but hey it was worth it because THEY CAME TO CHURCH :)
about really all for this week! its been a great week and I am excited
for this next week too! we get to go to the temple! yahooooo! :) so that
is excting. We have a lot of good things going for us these next few
weeks and I am pumped to keep working hard these next two weeks :)
for all you do for me! I feel so blessed to have such an amazing family
and to have so many prayers given for me, i can feel them so much! The
gospel is soooo true! never forget it! have a great week! Love yall
sooooo much!
Hermana Brown
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Happy Febrero 🚂
Yo fam ! Seems like we just talked.....How was your week ? It sounds like things are going well at home and I am happy to hear about that, expect for the cold... It has been like 65-70 the last couple days, I have been loving ! The thought of coming home to a cold place is kind of horrible sounding... Haha so I will just enjoy my time in the south as of right now
So this week was great ! It was a little bit different because we didn't teach as many lessons this week, but it was nonetheless full of so many awesome miracles ! So first off I am very happy because I feel like Hna Reynolds is adjusting more and more to missionary life, which is a lot less stress on my part. And I am really happy because she has been a lot more active in the lessons! It's crazy because she always says she never has any idea what people are saying but whenever she talks to shares something she always is teaching about what we are talking about or addressing the needs of our investigators or less actives. So either she understands a lot more than she thinks she does, or she is just super super in tune with the spirit, regardless of what it is, it makes my part a lot more easier. So yay, progress :) This week we had zone conference and it was awesome! And my last zone conference of my mission. That's SO weird !! And all the departing missionaries that go home this transfer, we had to go up and give our departing testimony. It was so strange because it was my turn... It doesn't even feel real at all ! And of course I was the first one called to go up... Seriously I think I just word vomitted all over up there haha but zone conference was seriously awesome. President Andersen shared this really cool motivating video to get us excited to as he said, "turn up the heat. Turn the water into steam" haha I love him! But it was seriously awesome and it was just what I needed to hear, and I also think what Hna Reynolds needed as well
also guess what we had for lunch ? Chik-fil-a . Like best way to end my last zone conference. I was very happy :) We had an interesting run in with the po po this week, and by po po I definitely mean the police... Let me explain. Thursday night we were eating dinner with Hna Burgos and we asked her if she knew anyone we could go visit. She thought about it for a second and asked if we had ever heard of Margarita Andersen. She said that about 10 years ago the missionary were teaching her and she loved the gospel so much , but then her husband ran into anti Mormon stuff and told her she could never go back.... Margarita loved the gospel so much she asked Hna Burgos to do your temple work for her if she died before she could become a member. WELL apparently on of our members awhile ago saw her at Walmart and guess what?! Her husband had DIED ! Which, is sad, but is also a good thing for us but the only bad thing is that no one in our branch has her number or can remember where she lives... Only the area... So being the great detective missionaries that we are, we set off to find margarita. Well so apparently where she lives is on the side of a busy road, no where to really park your car. We drove down a few peoples driveways and knocked on their doors, but no luck. So we decided to drive down the street a little more, park our car in a neighborhood and then just walked down the road knocking on doors. We didn't have much time so we knocked the first door and no one answered, then we got to the second door and met a really nice lady, but she had no idea who she was... We had to get to dinner so still determined to find her we started to walk back to the car. As we were walking this undercover cop car drive onto our side of the road with their lights on and pulls into the grass. This lady just dressed in like normal clothes jumps out of her car and says "stop, under cover police!" I'm like what the heck is happening right now ? She goes "we got a call that you guys are going door to door soliciting and this is a none soliciting area" and I'm like, in my sweet, not at all irritated voice said "we are actually just looking for our friend, Margarita" and she says "well they said you parked your car in that neighborhood and they watched you pull pamphlets out of your trunk" feeling pretty creeped out that people were watching us closely I said "only because we want to give one to our friend" she then goes "well you need to leave" and so then you know again being my sweet angel like self said " do you know Margarita Andersen lives?" Haha she kind of gave us the stink eye and got in her car and drove away. Guess she didn't know who she was either... But we are still determined to find her, as Joseph Smith said, no unhallowed can stop this work!! ALSO. YESTERDAY WAS A MIRACLE DAY AT CHURCH 2 of our investigators, Heriberto and Eric came to church !!! It was awesome, they couldn't stay for the rest of the meetings, BUT THEY STILL CAME !!! I was literally so happy ! And we also had a ton of less actives come too. It was seriously a miracle ! I am happy that mom and e were able to meet presidente Burgos and Heber and Lupe. That's so funny, they are great people ! Hopefully Hna Danise and Heber were good translators
I think that's really all about it for this week ! It was a really fun week and we are starting to see the fire catch again with our investigators and our members, which is a blessing! I hope y'all have a great week and try not to freeze ! Thanks for all y'all do for me. I love y'all soooooo much ! XO Hermana Brown
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Mapache en la basura
Helllllllllo ! Happy Monday ! I hope y'all had a great week and doing good ! And the good news is that thankfully January is almost over because I am so done with January, ya know how you can just get the January blues, so that is goodThis week was pretty good for me.... It was long and hard and I truly felt like Mosiah 23:21 Was the theme of the week.... "Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith" literally the story of our life this last week. Like seriously !! We had so many set lessons this week with members ready and willing to come with us and then they would cancel as we were standing on their porch or like 5 minutes before the lesson... It was a little hard not to complain, but I feel like I have learned a lot on my mission about having the faith and trusting in the promises of the lord that all will work out AND because God is merciful our week ended like in the following verse, Mosiah 23:22 "Nevertheless whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day." So I am pretty grateful, overall it was a hard week, but a good one and I know as we keep putting our faith in the lord we will continue to see tons of miracles this next week too. Something cool this week : we had a worldwide missionary broadcast which all the missionaries in the world watched and it was AWESOME ! It was titled "Teach Repentance and Baptize Converts" it was so sweet. We watched awesome trainings from Elder Neil L Andersen, Elder David A Bednar, Elder W. Christopher Liddel, Sister Bonnie L Oscarson, Elder L Whitney Clayton, Elder Brent H Neilson, and Elder Dallin H Oaks. It was literally what you would call incredible. Ans I am so grateful I am able to be a full time missionary right now. Seriously. The spirit touched my heart so strongly as these leaders of the church bore their testimonies of missionaries work, I know this is where I need to be, right now in my life. And I am so grateful I am here :) and it was just what I needed so I can end this last month running ! We also went on exchanges this week which was really and very much needed because TRAINING IS HARD. Seriously it's some tough stuff... But I am loving it and I am learning a lot, so that is good. I think training is mostly hard because all my comps I have had before have always been older than me in the mission and we both knew what we were doing... So I am not use to teaching someone all the rules, and to be hard, that is a little hard for me to do. But it's okay, things are getting better and Hna Reynolds is adjusting little by little. Anyway, we went on exchanges and Sister Woods came her with me. It was strange not being the STL on the exchange but also kind of nice. We had an awesome day together ! We also found a new investigator, Pilar !! She is so cool and so cute ! She was asking all about the church and how it would benefit her family. I am so excited to see what the lord has in store for not only us, but Pilar and her family :) Friday we got up and to our surprise it was snowing... Buckets !! Like so much snow. And everything was just white white white !! And so instead of switching back from our exchange we ended up being on exchanges all Friday as well and we had to stay inside... It was seriously soooooo tiring . Friday we also had to do our weekly planning, so that is always fun, doing weekly planning without your actual companion... Haha but sister woods is awesome so it was fun to stay on exchanges and she just left from serving in Clarksville so we were catching up on all the people there too so that was nice :) And since there was still snow on the ground yesterday , we even had church canceled.... Southern people and snow just don't get along too well... Haha but it's okay because we were able to have a GREAT DAY yesterday and it totally made up for all the hard and crappy other days we had this week, so I am very content and happy :) Oh little update Lupe is doing great. We taught him about the priesthood yesterday and he is preparing to get it in two weeks, so that should we sweet ! Presidente Burgos, his sone Heber, and Lupe are all going to salt lake this next week so that should be pretty sweet ! They are going to go to temple square and everything so I am pretty excited for Lupe to get to see the temple and all that jazz, so that should be sweet. I am going to give them our address if they have time to stop by and say hello :) I don't know because they have a wedding and then are going to be coming back, it's just a short little trip, but maybe they will stop by
Well I think that's really all about it for this week. This next week will be a great week and I am hoping for no more snow too... I am on limited time and I don't want to be stuck inside anymore.. I love y'all so much. Thanks for the support you have given me throughout my mission. I know the lord is hearing your prayers and I feel so blessed. I am praying for you all as well :) have a great week!! XO Hna Brown Ps... SWAG
Old pic, but back when we had MLC with Elder Zwick |
Frozen fountain outside our apartment complexes my head is kind of in the way... |
Literally why people in Tennessee should not drive their cars in the snow |
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Let's get coconutty
Hello family !! Happy Monday ! For the first time in a long time I am just soooo thankful that it is Monday haha usually the weeks go by so fast that I can't believe it's Monday again. This week was a little bit of the opposite. It seemed to be a little bit on the longer side. But that's okay, because it was still a great week :) So to start off Hna Dansie went home, that was pretty sad. I will miss her! She has become one of my best friends, kind of inevitable after being with each other for more than 6 months 24/7. It's kind of weird because the first couple of days it felt like we were just on an exchange, but then we never exchanged back haha but it's okay because my new comp is Hna Reynolds ! She is super cute, from Alpine Ut and fresh out of high school. And she is so ready to do the work! And even better, her Spanish is really good!! So that has been a blessing in my part ! I really like training but it is stressful, especially in how big our area is, kind of hard taking it over on my part, but it's still fun and I am happy :) I think Hna Reynolds is a little sad when she realized how many hours of study you have to do in the morning as well as an extra hour of training, but I think she is getting used to it :) also I like training this last transfer because like wow !! I have realized and seen HOW much I have truly grown since I came out on my mission. It's so awesome. I am so grateful for the Lord! And for his willingness to mold me into the person he needs me to be. I am just very gratefulWell in for this week, after one week, Lupe is still active ! That's a blessing ! And he is progressing and he just says how happy he is in his life, and you can truly see it too! He totally has a different light about him :) We had a cool stake conference that was broadcasted from Salt Lake to the North America Southeast area yesterday and it was really cool. Elder L Whitney Clayton, Sister Linda R Reeves, Elder Robert A Rasband, and Elder Robert D Hales all spoke to us, and it was awesome :) we had a couple less actives and recent converts and investigators come and it was so sweet ! They all loved it. My favorites were from Elder Rasband and Elder Hales. They both talked about holy places. Elder rasband talked about the temple and elder hales about how to make our homes a holy place . Thank you mom and dad for making our home a holy place :) MIRACLE this week. So it was 8:30 and we decided to go and try to visit a few other potential investigators. And the thought to go visit Glenda came to mind. I'm not sure if I have really talked to much about Glenda or not but she has kind of a crazy story. About 20 years ago she met the missionaries in Honduras and really loved the gospel but never got baptized. She moved here and she came in contact with the missionaries here ! She loved the gospel and the Book of Mormon so much she named her son she was pregnant with at the time Nefi. But then..... Something happened and she didn't end up getting baptized and stopped meeting with the missionaries completely. WELL so the missionaries found her awhile back when knocking doors but she was very very closed off and reserved. We had occasionally tried to go visit her every now and then but she would rarely ever let us in or anything. So we went and saw her. WELL. She like let's us right in, tells us to sit down, gives us these big hugs and is just chatting with us like we are long time best friends. What ??? I was sooo confused but at the same time soooo happy ! We asked if we could share a message with her and she said of course. So we talked about the Book of Mormon and she loved it. The spirit was seriously so strong ! We invited her to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and she said would. It was soooo awesome. What you would truly call a spirit inspired lesson. :) We are focusing a lot on a less active family in our branch, really trying to get them to come back and be active again in the church. The Lopez family. I love this family. They are so awesome ! Hno Lopez is such a good guy too and has such a strong testimony. I know that they will soon be back active at church, but keep them in your prayers please :) Overall this week was good, we did a lot of finding and teaching so I am pleased! It's freezing today, 15 outside, but it feels like 1.... Vale la pena ! I am glad that all is going well back at home! I hope y'all have a fantastic week ! Thanks for all yours prayers and the support you give me, I am so thankful ! I love y'all soooo much ! Xo Hna Brown
Last pic with Hna Dansie and Aida at transfer meeting :) |
My daughter, Hna Reynolds :) she is literally a mix of I think all my comps, I love it ! |
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Stress case - the last 6 weeks
Hello family ! Sorry I am writing so early today, it's gonna be a crazy busy day. We got up extra early so we could get our studies done earlier so we could have more time to get all that we have to do, done. This week was a crazy week and I am excited to tell y'all about it :) First off, I am very happy to hear that everything went great with mom and her surgery! That makes me very happy :) I am grateful for the power of the priesthood and fasting and prayer. I hope my cute mom keeps feeling better! I know you are being taken care of by a great husband and Ward and family and friends :) So as for this week it was nuts. But to hit all the good news first. Lupe got baptized on Saturday !!!! Yahoooooooooo ! It was awesome :) let me just tell you, opposition in all things is a real thing. For the investigator and the missionaries haha. Lupe was hit pretty hard with some opposition the DAY BEFORE HIS BAPTISM. I don't think I have ever prayed or fasted so much in my whole life as I did this last week. We had our last lesson with him on Friday and when he got there he was just acting so strange. Anyway after talking for a while we finally got him to open up about what was happening. He said he had talked to his mom about his baptism and how she was just so sad because she felt like she failed at raising her son. He said he just feels like his parents are so disappointed in him. But he said he knew this was what he needed to do, and it's the right thing. What a champ !!! I know that the lord is so pleased with the faith Lupe has! I know he has great things and blessings in store for himAlthough it was stressful up unto the point of the baptism, everything worked out great :) I am so excited for him. And yesterday he was confirmed and received the Holy Ghost, and that was awesome. The spirit was so strong, and he even surprised everyone by making a grand entrance by coming to a church in a suit ! We told him to be a little early , because he always is making it a little late to church, anyway so it's like 12:58 and we are freaking out because he isn't there yet. So we are not trying to panic or anything and then he just like walks in, in this like nice suit, everyone was like "woah" haha he has never even wore a white shirt or slacks to church before, so that was cool. Anyway, it was good and I honestly can see a different light in him ! That was the best part of this whole week
Now onto the transfer information.... For my last transfer of my mission I will be staying here in Buena Vista !!!!!!!!!!! And I am training a new missionary ! What. I was so shocked. But I am so excited ! We had interviews on Wednesday with president and the first thing he said was that he wanted to talk to me about transfers. He asked me to train a new missionary and then he told me I would be staying in Buena vista !!! I started screaming I was so happy I thought I was going to cry ! That was awesome. I am kind of freaked out to train a new missionary, because I never have, but it will fun I think :) and it will be an awesome way to end my last transfer ! God is good
It's pretty crazy that Hna Dansie is leaving, tomorrow! It's been awesome serving with her and we have been able to see so many miracles and have some awesome experiences together. She is awesome. I will tell her to come visit y'all and everything so y'all can go to her homecoming too. It will be strange having a new comp after being with the same one for the last 6 months, but I am excited for this next transfer! I am grateful for this opportunity I have to be a full time missionary ! There is nothing better to compare it to. I am excited to see how these next 6 weeks go and I am excited to work as hard as I can to finish strong and to fight the good fight. I love y'all and I hope y'all have a grrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeat week ! I am grateful for your prayers and I can feel them, especially on those extra hard days. Be safe and I hope y'all don't freeze !
️ Love you sooooo much ! XO Hna Brown
Dia de los 3 reyes ! Rosca de reyes, soooo good! |
There are 3 little toy baby Jesus's baked into it, and who ever gets it has to make tamales for everyone on February 2 haha Hna Dansie got it. |
Lupe's baptism ! Kind of a blurry pic but that's okay. |
Prefecture my papusa making skills |
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
I want you to want me...... the song I sing to all our investigators
Hello family !
Seems like we just talked 🙃
HAPPY NEW YEAR ! It sounded like
y'all had a good new year and I am so happy :) I had a great one as
well. we had to come in early at 6 but we watched the best two years,
had a bottle of Martinelli , and ate cinnamon roles. My kind of new year
celebration. Friday was super fun! we had an all day super pday ! It
was so strange not doing any missionary work... We went to eat at a
members house and after an hour I was feeling anxious like we needed to
leave and then I realized we actually could stay longer... It was still
weird. Also we went to the church and played basketball and soccer with
some members and investigators, it was so much fun ! Also I sent mom
this video, but I learned how to rope ! I will send it again so y'all
can see my wicked skills 

So as for this week it was good !
It was SUCH a strange week though. It's the best time of the year to
teach everyone about the gospel because it's Christmas and then everyone
is setting goals to improve for the next year but at the same time it's
sooooo hard to find people who want listen. But it will be good this
next week to get back into the normal mission life too :)
I went on an exchange this week and
I went to Murfreesboro and was with a cute sister, Sister Orchard and
we had A HUGE MIRACLE !!! So we had a lesson at 7:30 and our lesson at 6:30 fell through so we decided since we were going to meet at the church for the lesson at 7:30
we should just try potentials that live close to the church. So we
decided to go see this guy Jeff. We pull up to the house, pray, and
knock on the door. Then we just hear loud loud barking inside and I'm
tell you guys, my fear of dogs has skyrocketed while being on my mission
because EVERYONE has huge dogs and none of them are ever tied up or
anything. Then the door opens and like the biggest pit bull ever is
right there and in my head I am like oh no.... It's gonna attack and go
right for my neck and I am gonna die.... I turned as stiff as a board
haha turns out that was a nice pit bull... Who knew those existed, am I
right ? Anyway the lady says "hey come in come in" and we are like okay,
why not. So then that's when we met Amanda and she is soooo nice ! And
she was saying how she use to meet with the missionaries and how she had
gone to church a couple times and she really liked it and everything.
So we are thinking like hey they must have really been teaching this
Jeff guy and his family, sweet ! So then she is talking about her
husband and we were like , not wanting to be creeps and already knowing
her husbands name, asked what his name was and she is like , his name is
Matt. WHAT ? Who are these people?! So come to find out, they had been
living in another part of town and had been meeting with the
missionaries there and really loved it, but then they put elders in and
it was just hard for her because she felt a little uncomfortable.. Then
about 4 months ago they moved into the house they are in now , and no
one had had record of them or where they moved to. But since God is a
God of miracles and is full of mercy he lead us exactly to them ! It was
one of those moments when you truly know that was the spirit guiding you exactly where you needed to be.

Now onto Lupe ! So last week we
invited him to be baptized for the 9th. It was kind of a semi solid semi
soft date, not 100% sure thing. Through out the week we tried to call
and talk with him and follow up and stuff but we weren't able to meet
with him last week... THANK YOU MOM FOR PRAYING FOR HIM, because this is
what happened next:.....
Saturday we had a baptism for a
little boy named Jazer. I love this kid. His mom and him were just
coming back to church when I got here and his mom asked us since they
had been less active for so much of jazzers life (since he was like 2-7)
if we would teach him since he would be turning 8 in December. So every
week we would teach the smartest, sweetest, cutest 7 year old and I
just have felt so blessed to watch him grow
anyway so he got baptized on Saturday !! And it was awesome and Lupe
came as well! We were freaking out because it was starting and he still
wasn't there ..... Hna Dansie gave the talk on baptism and I just told
her to keep talking until he got there haha thankfully he walked in
right before she ended. That's the first miracle. Then Jazer got
baptized and it was awesome the room was just filled with peace and
happiness. Since it wasn't a convert baptism he was able to receive the
Holy Ghost right after. Through out my mission I have had many times
where I am felt the spirit super super strong, but I think this was the
strongest. When the words were said, receive the Holy Ghost, the spirit
filled the Room. It was incredible. It wasn't just something you could
feel in your heart, your could feel it in your whole body. I'm not
really sure how else to explain it.

After the baptism we had a lesson
with Lupe in the chapel, the best place to have lessons, and we asked
him how he felt about the baptism. He
said he really liked it but he really liked the part when Jazer got the
Holy Ghost, he said "I could just feel something, a type of energy just
running through my body" we said told him that was the Holy Ghost
telling him that these things are true and correct and right. We asked
about how he felt about being baptized he seemed a little un sure and he
said he still had some doubts. We talked a little more about the spirit
and then talked about prophets. We showed him a video clip of some of
the apostles and president monson testifying of Jesus Christ. The spirit
was so strong. After the video he looked at us and said with the most
confidence ever , "I am getting baptized on Saturday" .......
!!!!!!!!!!! It's those moments when you know that the work you are doing
isn't your work, you aren't the teacher, but it's the Lord's work and
the spirit is the true teacher.
I don't know how else to express
myself. I am SO happy !!!!! And so excited !!! My heart is filled with
gratitude for the chance that I have been able to have to have so many
of these amazing, life changing experiences. The gospel is true!! And
this work is true :)
I am sorry i always have such long emails, but you guys know me, I gotta tell you everything I am thinking
Saturday are transfer calls.... And my companion goes home in a week from tomorrow....
It will be strange getting a new comp after 6 months... And Starting my
last transfer... But it will be an adventure and I am excited to keep
working hard and doing the Lord's work :)

I hope you all have a good week,
good luck mommy on your surgery, I know you will do great !! I will keep
fasting and praying for you
and as for the rest of you, take care of my mommy!!

I love y'all so much. Thank you so much for your prayers, as you can see, they are really helping ! Have a great week :)

Hermana Brown
On exchanges |
Jazer's baptism |
Last week at the grand ole Opry |
Friday, January 1, 2016
16 months
Familia !
Wow how great was it skyping on
Friday ? It was awesome !! :) seriously it was the best thing ever. I
had an amazing Christmas and I am so grateful I was able to have two
Christmases on my mission :) mission Christmases are seriously the best.
I hope y'all have a good rest of your week. We had a great rest of the
week as well. It's been like 75 degrees so you know I'm not complaining
at all 

As for this week, it was busy but
also super slow I don't know how to explain it. It went by so super fast
but also slow... If that makes sense haha Monday and Wednesday we had
the night to go caroling to all our investigators with members and I was
sooooo excited ! But then it was pouring rain Monday night and
Wednesday night we had to go in because there were tornado warnings and
all the sirens and such were going off.... If you could just imagine how
I was ..... My companion says "Hna are you okay ? You seemed stress" I
just replied "I just really hate storms...." Hahaha still working on
that, but to defend myself the storms here are soooo much crazier than
those back at home

Tuesday was a good day, we actually
went and sang to this lady for her 100th birthday !!! It was so funny.
She couldn't hear us and we were like screaming and still nothing....
Haha but it was so sweet :) she lives with her daughter and when I say
it reminded me just like that spongebob espisode where the old lady
still lives with her mom, it was literally like that but in real life
form. I loved it
then we did a lot of finding. Which was good because lately I have felt
like we have been so busy that I haven't been able to get a good amount
of finding in, which I love so it was great :) we were at this one
apartment complex and I just wasn't feeling it so we decided to leave
and go to another one down the street, it felt like we should be there.
Then NO ONE talked to us... We tried to contact one old investigator
there but when we went he wasn't home and one of his roommates was just
leaving and didn't seem like he had much time to talk. We gave him a
card and were on our way. I was a little sad that no one would talk to
us.. I just couldn't understand why because we really felt like that's
where we needed to be... But I have been trying to trust more in the
lord and his timing and try not to lean to my own understandings...

But then the coolest thing happened
Wednesday night !! So we had to go in at 7 and so we started planning
and such and then we got this text message from a number in Mexico
saying "hi this is jose's friend and I wanted to know what is Mormon?"
WHAT ?? We were freaking out but like we had no idea who it was, so we
are jus trying to figure out what Jose and then we came to find out it
was the room mate from the other day when we were finding. Miracles ! So
we told him about the Book of Mormon and he was super interested. So,
pray for Manual ! He is a miracle !
Now the last miracle of all is with
Lupe !!!!! So on Saturday we were planning and the feeling to text Lupe
just kept coming but we are like we don't know what to say..... But we
felt like we really needed to meet with him but it's hard because we
didn't know where or anything because he lives far away and yeah we just
didn't know what to do. Then the idea came to call Byron and ask him if
we can meet with Lupe at his house, so we called Byron and he said yes!
So then we called Lupe and he said he could meet with us at that time
too ! It was a miracle. The only thing was, we didn't know what exactly
we needed to teach him about, because we usually always end up talking
about baptism but we don't want to smother him with baptism but we felt
like we needed to.... We had such a strong desire to invite him to be
baptized the 9th of January... So our game plan was this, somehow invite
him for the 9th but to not make him feel overwhelmed or pushed. THE
SPIRIT IS SOOOOO AWESOME !!!!! So we go in there and we just start
talking and we read the conversion story of Hna Dansie's abuelo because
it's like the same as Lupe's haha and then Hna Dansie just goes "Lupe I
go home in 2 weeks and I think mine and Hna Browns biggest desire is to
see you baptized while we are both together and here." It was awesome
Lupe just started opening up and saying how this whole week he has just
been thinking about baptism and everything and how we wants to but he is
really afraid his family in Mexico is going to like reject him and
stuff..... But it's sweet to see how to spirit works because by the end
of the lesson Lupe looked at a calendar (we didn't say anything about a
specific date) and he says "I am really thinking about the 9th of
January , that is just caught my attention" The spirit is real !!!
Follow the impressions you receive and you will truly see the hand of
the lord. I love this work and this gospel !!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR LUPE
! 







Also HAPPY 2016!! I am so happy and
blessed that I got to serve the whole year of 2015 as a missionary.
It's been the best year of my life. I reflected on the goals I set this
last year and I am proud to admit I was able to complete them, including
NO COKE FOR A YEAR !!! Miracles are real. I never thought I would make
but really haha I am excited for what 2016 will bring.

I think that's about it. Today we are goin to Opryland in Nashville so that should be pretty fun, I am excited :) I love y'all so much. Thanks for all the support and prayers and love you have given me. Have a great week !!! I love y'all !!!
Hermana Brown
Christmas with the sisters in the district |
Christmas morning presents as you can tell I still love mornings... |
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